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Selected Conference Presentations

  1. Ji-Hyun Kim, Sohyun Han, Seulgi Eun, Junsuk Kim, and Sung-Phil Kim (2021). "Laminar Representations of Vibrotactile Stimuli with Varying Frequency in S1: a 7T fMRI Study," The 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

  2. Yosup So and Junsuk Kim (2019). "Stickiness Perception in Different Sensory Modalities: an fMRI Study," The 25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.

  3. Yosup So, Jae-Hwan Kang, and Junsuk Kim (2019). "An fMRI Study of Multisensory Perception on Tactile Stickiness," The Ergonomics Society of Korea. Outstanding Poster Presentation

  4. Jae-Hwan Kang, Junsuk Kim, and Sung-Phil Kim (2019). "Frontocentral Theta Activity Associated with Habitual Stimulus-Response Mappings," The 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER).

  5. Jihyun Kim, Junsuk Kim, and Sung-Phil Kim (2018). “Somatosensory cortical responses to Aristotle tactile illusions," Society for Neuroscience (SFN).

  6. Junsuk Kim, Isabelle Bülthoff, and Heinrich H. Bülthoff (2018). "Surface texture perception: A human fMRI study," Cold Spring Harbor Asia 2018.

  7. Junsuk Kim, Isabelle Bülthoff, and Heinrich H. Bülthoff (2018). "Visual assessment of tactile roughness intensity," International Multisensory Research Forum 2018.

  8. Jiwon Yeon, Junsuk Kim, Jae Kyun Ryu, Jang-Yeon Park, and Sung-Phil Kim (2016). “A human fMRI study of tactile stickiness perception," Korean Society for Cognitive and Biological Psychology (KCBP).

  9. Junsuk Kim, Yoon Gi Chung, Soon-Cheol Chung, Jang-Yeon Park, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, and Sung-Phil Kim (2013). “A Multi-voxel Pattern Analysis of Neural Representation of Vibrotactile Location,” The 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 13), pp. 1637-1640.

  10. Hyoung Il Son, Lewis L. Chuang, Junsuk Kim, and Heinrich H. Bülthoff (2011). “Haptic Feedback Can Improve Human Perceptual Awareness in Multi-Robots Teleoperation," The 11th International Conference on Control, Automations and Systems (ICCAS 11), pp. 1323-1328. Outstanding Paper Award.

  11. Hyoung Il Son, Lewis L. Chuang, Antonio Franchi, Junsuk Kim, Dongjun Lee, Seong-Whan Lee, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, and Paolo Robuffo Giordano (2011). “Measuring an Operator's Maneuverability Performance in the Haptic Teleoperation of Multiple Robots," The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 11), pp. 3039-3046.

  12. Hyoung Il Son, Junsuk Kim, Lewis L. Chuang, Antonio Franchi, Paolo Robuffo Giordano, Dongjun Lee, and Heinrich H. Bülthoff (2011). “An Evaluation of Haptic Cues on the Tele- Operator's Perceptual Awareness of Multiple UAVs' Environments," The IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC 11), pp. 149-154.

  13. Junsuk Kim, Hyoung Il Son, and Heinrich H. Bülthoff (2010). “Psychophysical Evaluation of Haptic Feedback Algorithms for the Teleoperation of Multi-UAVs," International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 10), pp. 602-603.

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